Meeting With Barry in St. Louis
Dear President Barry, I am Tom Bye, Pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Oshkosh, Wisconsin and have been serving here for 18 years. I am also a member of the SWD board of directors, serving my second six-year term. I am the secretary of the Mission Department, and was elected by the Board of Directors to represent the board in response to the Rev. Stephen Wiest dispute. I graduated from CTS-Ft. Wayne in 1981. The Class of' '81 was the first group to complete all four years of the M.Div. program at the Ft. Wayne location. My Sem. IV year Dr. Robert Preus hired me as a clerical assistant and grader for two systematic theology courses. Systematic theology was my major area of concentration. Vicarage was served in 1979-1980 at Our Redeemer - Sheboygan, WI. I received a B.A. in History and religious studies from Bradley University, Peoria Illinois where I served as president of the Protestant Student Union my senior year. I have been married for 25 years to a fine income producing registered nurse who is also an outstanding pastor's wife! We have two daughters, 18, and 21. Our oldest is a junior at Loyola Univ.-Chicago, and youngest is a senior at Winnebago Lutheran Academy (WELS) in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. My theology reflects Pieper and Walther. My congregation uses TLH and the WS98. I write you concerning problems within our South Wisconsin District involving pastors of the "ordination as sacrament", high, high church genre popularly labeled "hyper-euros" by some observers. I don't believe this is any new revelation to you, however I wanted to mention three circumstances with which I have been well acquainted as a member of the SWD Board of Directors. I am unable to be present with Jack in your office today. You may be familiar with these already. Please be aware that in SWD we have a very organized group of hyper-Euros who have, with great activism, supported Michael Hill and Stephen Wiest , and Scott Marincic. Hill and Marincic who destroyed churches are no longer on the Clergy Roster, and Wiest has been CRM for two years. There are others, one of whom is now in a dispute resolution situation where 20% of his membership has departed; I will leave him unnamed as this is now in an official level of address. Another was Rev. Gary Gehlbach who resigned as Secretary of the SWD because we removed Wiest as M.A.L. at a campus ministry. He informed me that as a result of my position against Rev. Wiest in the dispute resolution process "my immortal soul was in peril along with other board members, and that we must repent because we are in persistent sin." The Dispute Resolution Panel chaired by Rev. Harvala announced its unanimous decision in November supporting the actions taken by the SWD Board. During this time Rev. Wiest was a guest speaker at the church of Rev. Burnel Eckhardt in Kewaunee Illinois. His topic, this is no joke, : "Rev. Martin Stephan, First American Lutheran Martyr." What these people have in common is the demand to be addressed as "Father," That ordination is a "proper" sacrament conferring special grace to the recipient, and the recognition of a special clergy caste. What's worse is the mess many of these people are making in their ministries. The Rev. Father is to be a benevolent dictator of his parish, which needs no, nor should have, a voters' assembly. I addressed some of my concerns and observations in a three-part article I wrote for the Reclaim Walther Organization entitled, "Whoring after the Episcopacy." Please know, dear brother, that the concerns that Jack presents to you on this "Hyper-Euro" matter are not the product of some church politico-paranoiac with an Italian surname. They are real and are recognized by creditable pastors who are veterans of decades of congregational ministry. You are indeed serving at an historic time as Synodical President as the LCMS struggles in a riptide of theological and organizational threats. May God bless you and lead you to a suitable response to the challenges of today and what lies ahead. In Christ, [file:///D:/My Web/bronzebusiness/bio/biojmc.htm] January 18, 2000 |