Reader Wants PLI - St. Louis Sem Connection Exposed
By Rev. Jack Cascione


A Letter from the Concord - Texas website

Regarding PLI and it's supporters, the PLI website indicates that Dr. John Johnson was guest lecturer at their conference on April 21, 2001 and Dr. Andrew Bartelt was guest lecturer on June 21, 2001. In the past, I've noticed other times when they have been part of their conference program. I simply do not understand how these leaders of Concordia Seminary can leave their jobs to work for an organization that isn't part of our synod. These people are on our payroll and apparently don't have to report to a higher authority.

Even if PLI is paying for all expenses and their fee, they are not doing their jobs and PLI probably doesn't have to reimburse the sem for their lost time. Synod membership needs to know that these people are away from their jobs, out doing their own thing. Can something be done to expose this injustice?

I'm doubly disappointed with this situation because our pastor here is one of the 25 mentor leaders of this organization, and tells us that PLI is wonderful. And, we regularly host PLI students who are here for pastoral training. We secretly send them $4000/year, but it is conveniently buried and hidden in our "outreach" budget.

I hope that it might be possible to expose the Johnson/Bartelt involvement. My sincere thanks to you and kindest regards to you and your family.

An acceptable loss, J. S. (A layman whose name was removed by the editor to avoid persecution, since the CGers do consider opponents to their ideas as "acceptable losses.)

Rely to Question:

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Layman Likes Book
(All names were removed to protect to layman.)

Greeting Pastor in the name of our Lord,

I just want to say Thanks you! for your refreshing book! Our congregation in right in the middle of this JF and PLI church growth movement..a replay from years gone by... Our congregation, --------- Lutheran in --------- --, is pastored by Pastor ---- ---- who is on the roster for JF and also enrolled as a charter member of make matters worse, our young 40 yr old Church president is the President of the, you have an idea as to which direction Grace Lutheran is heading. The Lord place me on the church council as the Chair for Christian Ed, which at the time I had no idea it is clear...Grace was very fortunate to have started two years ago on a "by-law" committee..the job description was to change the by-laws and constitution to keep up w/ the new times...the committee of 12, and I was one of the 12, after two years of research and prayer, our by-laws/constitution went the opposite direction that our President and Pastor wanted...away from the liberal and moved back to the center, LCMS doctrine & confession....As of June of 2001, Our pastor will represent our circuit at the convention w/ a vote for PLI/JF....this has split our congregation as was done in the 70's....

Hence, this is the reason I ordered many copies of your book to pass out to our congregation, as they have already been introduce to Pres. Barry's "the what about series." Question, would you be comfortable to provide me w/ your "Bio", to accompany your book? The congregation is very uninformed. A bio would definitely establish your creditability...and that you are not just a laymen....

Any help would be appreciated in dealing w/ this foe....The 3rd week in July our council meets to review the initial draft of the Bylaws...which will draw a lot of questions/discussion and emotions...then September will present to the congregation....Your prayer would been VERY much appreciated at Grace Lutheran and to all LCMS congregations going through this aggressive movement. Always in our LORD....----- ------"

[file:///D:/My Web/bronzebusiness/bio/biojmc.htm]

July 08, 2001