"Jesus First" Defends Werning's False Teaching On Trinity: We Reply
By Rev. Jack Cascione


"Jesus First" was the campaign committee for Dr. Gerald Kieschnick, now President of the LCMS. "Jesus First" received financial support from the Wheatridge Foundation. A glowing review of Doctor Waldo Werning's book, "Health and Healing for the LCMS" was published in "Jesus First." Reverend Charles Mueller Jr., member of the board of directors of "Jesus First" writes in defense of Werning's false teaching on the Trinity published in Werning's book as follows:


I am worried for a soul. Yours. You cannot spew such hate toward and lies about other Christians as you do in this message without this touching your faith. Your words are mean-spirited and speak not of the love of Christ Jesus but of the designs of an angry man for vengeance and retribution. Now, not only have you broken the 8th Commandment with regard to Waldo Werning -- you've added a classification of people you call "Jesus First" to this and other statements. I confess without reservation the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed and the Athanasian Creed. I believe Waldo does, too. I've read Christian Schwartz. I believe you've misinterpreted his writings for the sake of your attack on Waldo.

Jack, be careful. Satan crouches at your door. Don't give into his temptation. Take the example of Jesus, who, when attacked, did not fight back with legions of angels or angry words, but with truth and love. You relish division in your words. Seek the unity of the faith. Let love reign, not anger. You know the Bible well, Jack. You know the fruits of the Spirit. Can you really say you are seeking peace? Are your writings really an example of self-control? Even if you are being falsely accused by Waldo Werning, is it really the business of the church-at-large? Does this bring honor to Christ?

Peace, brother. Peace!

Rev. Charles S. Mueller, Jr."

In reply,

1. First, Charlie, I'm glad that you are concerned about my soul.

2. If Werning's teaching on the Trinity is correct, I have indeed broken the 8th Commandment. However, what Werning teaches about the Trinity in his book is an abomination to the Christian faith. Werning lies about God in his book with the endorsement of "Jesus First." I do take the example of Jesus, who condemned the Pharisees and false teachers. When did telling the truth about God become a threat to love and peace? Charlie, if you are "a brother," you should be agreeing with me on this issue.

3. There is no question that Werning and every member of "Jesus First" will go on record as supporting the three ecumenical creeds. It is the additional lies about God that Werning presents in his book, which blaspheme The Name Of God. I notice that you don't even repeat or defend the specific offending words written by Werning.

4. Your concern for the church at large is admirable. However, "Jesus First" already endorsed Werning's book that was sent to every 2001 Convention delegate. Where is your love and concern for the souls of the readers? Your self-serving definition of peace and misapplied Scripture reference seek unity based on a redefined Christian faith. There can't be unity based on a lie about God.

5. You write, "Are your writings really an example of self-control?" Let's look at the writing of Martin Luther in the Lutheran Confessions.

Luther writes:
"In a word, enthusiasm inheres in Adam and his children from the beginning [from the first fall] to the end of the world, [its poison] having been implanted and infused into them by the old dragon, and is the origin, power [life], and strength of all heresy, especially of the Papacy and Mahomet. Therefore we ought and must constantly maintain this point, that God does not wish to deal with us otherwise than through the spoken Word and the Sacrament. It is the devil himself whatsoever is extolled as Spirit without the Word and Sacraments. Concordia Triglotta, Smalcald Articles, Part III Art. VIII, Page 497."

Now let's look at the writing of Waldo Werning in his book "Health and Healing for the LCMS."

"A balanced Trinitarian faith is vital because it is also the foundation for building the functional and practical side of church life. Truly knowing the Father and the Holy Spirit, as well as Christ, guides to new experiences with God. It leads us to a deeper recognition of our strength in the Triune God, our limitations, our view of Satan and our adversaries, our fears, and our mission vision. Christians recognize God as Creator, experience Christ as Savior through prayer, and sense the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives, experiencing God in a three-fold manner."

The fact is, the only way God comes to us is through Word and Sacrament and we don't experience anything, let alone experience God in a three-fold manner by which we experience the Trinity! Luther calls sensing or experiencing God, "the Devil" even if it is in a three-fold manner.

On pages 33-34, in defiance of the Athanasian Creed, Werning teaches that in the Triune God there are: "three forms of address 'You shall!,' 'You may!,' 'You can!'" Man experiences, "God in a three-fold manner." There are "three manners of being (God above us, God among us, God in us)" and that "God revealed Himself in three ways."

Pieper writes, Vol. I page 383:
"a. The names Father, Son, and Holy Ghost can denote only three self-subsisting persons. No one who hears these names of God will think of three modes of appearance or three activities of the same."

6. Charlie, why don't you address or even respond to the devil-speak in Werning's book? Is it because there is a devil in "Jesus First"? You have taken contemporary worship to the inevitable conclusion of inventing a contemporary God. Why don't you just say, Werning's book has problems on the Trinity? But no, you are so interested in peace; you don't care who goes to hell if they actually believe what you endorse.

7. Not only should you confess the Athanasian Creed, the Athanasian Creed states all that we are able to confess about the Trinity. It just takes away all the opportunity for creativity that we used to call idolatry. The only three in God, are the three divine persons in one divine being.

If Werning dies before retracting his false teaching about the Trinity, he should not be given Christian burial and God will hold the pastors and officials on Werning's list accountable for supporting him in his false teaching before he died. (Ezekiel 33) This includes you, Charlie. You used him for political purposes and you know it. Now you are using the Trinity.

8. The Athanasian Creed warns: "Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the catholic [i.e., universal, Christian] faith. Which faith except everyone do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly."

"For there is one Person of the Father, another of the Son, and another of the Holy Ghost." ". . . they are not three Eternals," "three Uncreated nor three Incomprehensibles," "not three Almighties," "not three Gods," and "not three Lords." "So are we forbidden by the catholic religion to say, there be three Gods or three Lords."

"He, therefore, that will be saved MUST thus think of the Trinity. . . This is the catholic faith; which except a man believe faithfully and firmly, he cannot be saved."

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November 3, 2001