Second Set Of Charges and Stipulations Presented To Schulz By LLL

By: Rev. Jack Cascione

(The bottom line is that the LLL was angry because Schulz carried out his
duties as an LCMS Vice President, so they fired him.)

September 6, 2002

The Rev. Dr. Wallace Schulz
660 Mason Ridge Center Drive
St. Louis, MO 63141

Dear Dr. Schulz:

As stated to you in my letter of August 8, 2002, the Board of Governors
unanimously adopted a resolution on July 20 in which it declared that you
violated the Code of Ethics and the Conflict of Interest Policy of the Int'l
LLL. In the same resolution, the Board stated its desire to bring you back
into the team ministry of the Int'l LLL. The mechanism it has established
for doing so is to require your agreement to stipulations it directed me to

I presented those stipulations to you in my letter of August 8. You
indicated in your letter of August 27 that if you were to sign these
stipulations, you would be "caught in a Catch 22" and would be compromising
your ordination vows. You also maintained that you would be undermining The
Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod because the apology you are being asked to
make would come to bear on the work you are now involved in as an officer of
the Synod.

In your letter, you did not elaborate on how the stipulations would
compromise your ordination vows, and you declined to do so in a subsequent
discussion with the League's president Al Waldron. You have not attempted to
have a discussion with me on these issues, even after 1 invited such
discussion in my e-mail of September 3, 2002. Therefore, to be responsive to
your concerns, we have sought the advice of the synodical president, the
Missouri District president (your ecclesiastical supervisor) and the
pastoral advisor of the League.

The result is a revised set of stipulations, which follow:

1. Lutheran Hour Ministries expects you to continue to uphold the vision,
mission, values and goals of the Int'l LLL and Lutheran Hour Ministries, and
enthusiastically support the League's effort of "Bringing Christ to the
Nations - and the Nations to the Church."

2. Lutheran Hour Ministries will require you to issue a public statement
through the Int'l LLL that your decision in the case regarding Dr. Benke was
made independently from the Int'l LLL and in your role as Second Vice
President of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. It also must recognize
that your action was taken despite the wishes and concerns expressed by the
Executive Committee to you and subsequently communicated to the Praesidium
of the Synod. The statement must relay your continued affirmation of support
for the League's mission of "Bringing Christ to the Nations -and the Nations
to the Church." It must also express gratitude for the support of all donors
and sponsors of the sponsors of the League as well as regret for the
polarization that resulted in the aftermath of the decision. The League will
have final approval of the wording of this statement.

3. As an employee, you are expected to follow all policies of the Int'l LLL,
including the League's Code of Ethics and its Conflict of Interest Policy.
These are of special interest because your continuing ministry may often put
you in situations that call for you to be mindful of them. As you know, the
Code of Ethics contains this requirement: 'There will be times when the
choice of conduct is not clear. When faced by an unclear choice, ask
yourself this question: 'If my actions were to be published, would league
supporters agree that the best interests of all were served?' If the choice
is still not clear, ask for guidance from your supervisor, other league
officers or pastoral advisors." The Conflict of Interest Policy states:
"Activities shall not be entered into which may knowingly be detrimental to
the interests of the International Lutheran Layman's League and its

4. If you disagree with positions or strategies the League uses to implement
its ministry either domestically or internationally, you are to follow the
spirit and the dictates of Matthew 18 in pursuing your disagreement.
Reasonable people can differ on positions or strategies; however, when you
have neither authority nor responsibility for a specific program or League
initiative, it is expected that you will support or remain quiet about the
matter. If you truly believe that some specific program or initiative is
doctrinally unsound, you may conclude that your ordination vows may
eventually compel you to comment publicly. In a matter of this nature, you
are still to follow the spirit and dictates of Matthew 18 and use public
comment only as a last resort. In line with Matthew 18, you will speak first
with the person immediately responsible for the area in question. If that
fails to resolve the problem, you will approach that person's supervisor. If
that still fails to resolve the problem, you will speak with your supervisor
and the supervisor of the individual.

5. As an employee of the Int'l LLL, you must affirm that your supervisor is
the Executive Director of the organization as specified iii your position
description. (We recognize that in ecclesiastical matters, your supervisor
is the President of the Missouri District of The Lutheran Church--Missouri

6. The Board has directed that the Int'l LLL will, implement a team
ministry, and this requirement has been incorporated into your position
description. You must agree to work enthusiastically and diligently as a
team player, offering ideas and vision for the ministries and lending
support and physical service to help ensure that ministry objectives are met
This requires participation in planning and strategy meetings for 'The
Lutheran Hour radio program as arranged by the Assistant Director of North
American Ministries. The speaker schedule for "The Lutheran Hour" is to be
arranged by the Assistant Director of North American Ministries as decided
by the Lutheran Hour team.

7. Permission was previously granted to you to be the editor of the "Good
News" magazine, and that agreement will continue to be honored. Let me
reiterate, however, that no other League resources or personnel will be
devoted to the production or publication of this magazine.

8. Being a team player requires regular office hours and attendance at
various staff events. Depending on your travel and meeting schedule, I
expect that you will be in the office an average of at least four hours a
day. Your schedule for travel, speaking engagements and other
business--related time demands is to be coordinated with the Executive
Director. Your attendance is expected at monthly all-staff meetings,
executive services departmental meetings (for master calendar coordination)
and other scheduled events as requested.

The process of reinstatement will begin after you agree to these
stipulations and after stipulation 2 is completed. This stipulation
agreement must be signed by the close of the business day on Thursday,
September 12, 2002, or it will be understood that you have vacated your
position with the Int'l LLL. I will be happy to meet with you on either
Monday or Tuesday, September 9 or 10 or by telephone if you are away from
the immediate area. My prayer remains that you will continue to be a part of
our team and the ministries of this organization.

Joy in HIS service,

Rodger W. Hebermehl
Executive Director


October 4, 2002