LCMS Liturgy Committee Opposed To Change in Nicene Creed

By: Rev. Jack Cascione

(The committee member prefers to remain anonymous.)

    "As a member of the liturgy committee for the proposed hymnal, I can tell you that the liturgy committee unanimously rejects the suggestion to eliminate the word men' from the Nicene Creed.  We oppose this on two grounds.

First, the elimination of the word 'men' leaves implicit the universality of Christ's  atoning death (He came for us men, that is, for all humanity.)

Second, the omission of the word 'men' severs the Incarnation of Christ from His atoning work.  It is for us men,  that is for the fallen sons and daughters of Adam, that the eternal Son of God became man.  It is true that the Commission on  worship has urged us to consider the omission, but our committee continues to be firmly and unanimously opposed.  I am grateful to hear that the response has been overwhelmingly negative."

November 21, 2002