Werning attempts to
misinform LCMS Board of Directors
By: Rev. Jack Cascione |
(LCMS Board of Directors email addresses listed below.)
The LCMS Board of Directors will begin their meeting on Thursday, February
27, 2003. Issues before the Board include:
1. Cascione's questions about President Kieschnick's travel budget;
2. President Kieschnick's public revelations and bias in favor of Doctor
Waldo Werning's charges against Cascione;
3. President Kieschnick's violation of the LCMS By-Laws by publicizing
charges filed against Cascione by Werning now pending before the LCMS
4. President Kieschnick's appeal to Werning's false teaching on the Trinity
in order to prove Cascione has broken the eighth commandment.
In his letter to the Board, Werning writes: "As you read
Cascione's letter, you may note that his fervor to explain and unravel the
mystery of the Trinity indicates a bias toward the Athanasian Creed to the
extent that there is an apparent confusion and even rejection of our
Christian beliefs as confessed in the Apostle's Creed."
It is Werning who sees a contradiction between the Apostles' and Athanasian
It is Werning who refuses to identify each Person of the Trinity as all, the
entire, the whole of, God, apart from whom there is not other God.
Werning's position leads us to ask how can God be less than or only a part
of God? What part of God did not die on the cross? Each Person of the
Trinity is the Mighty God, yet there is only one God. According to the
Athanasian Creed, the substance cannot be divided.
Werning writes to the LCMS Board of Directors about Cascione "He
[Cascione] quotes President Kieschnick's memo that there is to be 'no
publicity," and yet he has had 4 Reclaim News publicizing his false
allegations since he was warned, including this Reclaim News Letter."
At no time has Cascione written anything about President Kieschnick and the
Praesidium considering charges filed against Cascione by Dr. Werning until
President Kieschnick, himself, announced that charges had been filed against
Cascione in his memo to the Board on January 11, 2003.
Werning has failed to produce anything written by Cascione prior to January
11, 2003, that speaks about the Praesidium considering Werning's charges
that he filed against Cascione to President Kieschnick in his letter dated
October 2, 2002.
President Kieschnick broke the LCMS Constitution when he published that
Cascione is charged with breaking the Eighth Commandment. Why is
proving that Werning writes lies about God breaking the Eighth Commandment
in the LCMS? Is the Eighth Commandment now more important the than the
President Kieschnick now relies on Werning's lies about God in order to
discredit Cascione for questioning Kieschnick's travel budget.
Why isn't the LCMS President more interested in defending the doctrine of
the Trinity than defending his own travel budget?
As an LCMS pastor, Cascione claims the right to speak freely about the
doctrine of the Trinity to the entire world in the name of the LCMS. Werning
wants to stop anyone who publishes objections about his hideous false
doctrine about the Trinity in his book sent to every delegate of the 2001
Werning claims that all theology is not Christology. He falsely
believes that the word "God" in reference to Jesus means there is
more of God than "Jesus." However, as Luther says, there may
be more Persons but not more of God.
According to the following words from the Athanasian Creed, Werning has
placed himself outside the Christian Church.
"Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he
hold the catholic [i.e., universal, Christian] faith. Which faith
except everyone do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish
Email Addressed of the LCMS Board of Directors
Rev. Edward Balfour - 150 Mitchell Rd. - Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107
E-mail: mbalfou1@maine.rr.com
Rev. Dr. Karl L. Barth - 8220 Harwood #208 - Milwaukee, WI 53213
E-mail: karlbarth@webtv.net
Dr. Betty Duda - 2450 Mikler - Oviedo, FL 32765
E-mail: BJDUDA11@aol.com
Rev. James E. Fandrey - 2603 North 51st Ave - Omaha, NE 68104
E-mail: jefandrey1@juno.com
Miss Elizabeth Fluegel - 1734 Kingsgate Court #302 - Alexandria, VA
22302 E-mail: efluegel@excite.com
Ernest E. Garbe - 1661 N. 2200 St., - Dieterich, IL 62424
E-mail: epgarbe@mmtcnet.com
Dr. Jean Garton - 4808 Shoal Creek Drive - Benton, Arkansas 72015
E-mail: Not available
Oscar H. Hanson - P. O. Box 16852 - So. Lake Tahoe, CA 96151
E-mail: oahanson@netfeed.com
David Hawk - 2814 Baywood Trail - Ft. Wayne, IN 46845
E-mail: DKHawk@HawkHaynie.com
Theodore A. Kober - 1537 Ave. D, Suite 352 - Billings, MT 59102
E-mail: tkober@hispeace.org
Rev. Dr. Robert T. Kuhn - 1387 Haven Drive - Oviedo, FL 32765
E-mail: rtkuhn@cfl.rr.com
Christian A. Preus - 16205 5th Ave., North - Plymouth, MN 55447
E-mail: preus@attbi.com
Dr. Edwin A. Trapp - 7624 Glenn Albens Circle - Dallas, TX 75225
E-mail: eat2@airmail.net
Thomas W. Kuchta - 12841 Dubon Lane - St. Louis, MO 63131 (Treasurer)
E-mail: tomkuchta@aol.com
February 25, 2003 |