How Many 2004 LCMS Delegates Are Hand picked by The Pastor?

By: Rev. Jack Cascione


Many LCMS congregations never get to vote for a lay delegate or for nominees for President and Vice President of the Synod?

All too often the pastors are now picking the lay delegates and making all the nominations for the 2004 LCMS Convention and the lay people don’t get to vote.

Every three years, each of the 6200 congregations of the LCMS elect one lay delegate to attend the Circuit Forum where the delegate to the LCMS Convention is selected.

This writer has talked with and corresponded with lay people across the Synod.  Again and again I hear that they never knew about the election of their congregational delegate.  They never knew when or where the Circuit Forum was meeting.  They never heard about or saw the ballot from the Synod.  Everything was handled in the pastor’s office and they weren’t told about anything relating to the 2004 Convention.

The Convention is supposed to be LCMS congregational polity in action.  But the reality is, that too many members of LCMS congregations have no idea when and where the Circuit Forum meets, who their lay delegate is, or, for that matter, what a Circuit Forum is.

If they ask questions, such as “Who picked the congregational delegate?” or “Who choose the nominees for the Convention?” they are identified as divisive troublemakers unworthy of an answer.

This raises the question as to whether the 2004 LCMS Convention is really an honest Convention or is it the best convention the clergy can stack?  There is little wonder why the Synod is shrinking when it is becoming a Synod of the clergy, for the clergy, and by the clergy.

There be should a screening of all delegates to the 2004 Convention.  Every pastoral delegate to the 2004 LCMS Convention who did not hold a voters’ meeting to elect a lay delegate from his congregation and another Voters’ Meeting to choose Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees, should be expelled from the Synod for usurping the congregation’s authority.

Every lay delegate who was hand picked by the pastor without a vote of the congregation should be refused admission to the Convention.

It doesn’t matter if the Pastor thinks he has the spiritual gift of CEO and PLI-leadership training or if he is the hyper-euro-Lutheran reincarnation of Pope John the Twenty Third, the effect is still the same.  They know best and they will do all the picking and choosing for the congregation.

How many LCMS lay people actually know that the 2001 LCMS Convention reaffirmed Walther’s Church and Ministry as the official doctrine and practice of the LCMS?

One of the reasons that the Synod was so effective in drawing Christians to join its congregations was the opportunity to practice their Christian freedom as lay members.  The LCMS President may have a burning fire to save the lost, but why should they join a Synod that is giving up the priesthood of all believers?

Let’s pray that the usurpers be removed from the Synod.

November  19, 2003