The LCMS BOD Wants To Know ReclaimNews Source For January 12 Release

Rev. Jack Cascione

There have been two phone calls to this writer from an attorney and member of the LCMS Board of Directors about the source of the January 12, 2004 Reclaim News Release.


The release was titled, "Kieschnick Approves Minority Publishing Dissent Against BOD Policy"


The BOD wants to know who leaked the communication from the dissident Board minority to President Kieschnick and Kieschnick’s reply and approval of their action.


The Board minority broke Board Policy by publishing their objection to recent Board decisions and are thus subject to removal from the Board.  They wrote: “Also, if you deem it helpful, feel free to share our statement with members of the CCM as well as with the church so that those whom we serve as elected officers might know the reasons for our dissent.”


Kieschnick also broke Board policy and should also be removed from the Board when he responded to Betty Duda, Jean Garton, Oscar Hanson, and Edwin Trapp Jr., “I will give careful consideration to an appropriate time and manner in which to share your letter in a more public way with the Synod.”


The Attorney wants to know where the information came from, when it was received and from whom it was received.


The Attorney was told that if President Kieschnick doesn’t have to answer questions about the Trinity, I’m not going to answer questions for the Board of Directors.


President Kieschnick made the Eighth Commandment his special priority during his inauguration speech at the 2001 LCMS Convention.


How does Kieschnick endorse charges against the LCMS’s public doctrine of the Trinity?


I have publicly denounced Dr. Waldo Werning’s false doctrine of the Trinity published in his book “Health and Healing For the LCMS” which was given to every delegate at the 2001 LCMS Convention.  President Kieschnick accepted Doctor Werning’s charges against me to the Praesidum because I call Werning’s doctrine “lies about God”.  It appears the Eighth Commandment doesn’t apply to God.

The Praesdium proceeded to “adjudicate” my case.  President Kieschnick wrote to me that this “was no idle threat.”  I wrote back to Kieschnick and the Preasidium that it was “a cheap idle threat.”  After a year, the Praesidium voted: "not to proceed with the case of Werning v. Cascione, thereby terminating the Praesidium's responsibility for this case, in accord with By-Law 2.27b."  

Now, the BOD wants me to answer questions about my sources.  First, let Kieschnick answer questions about the Trinity, which he refuses to answer.


Jesus Christ and the Apostles answered questions about God: why won’t Kieschnick?


The Golden Calf of Synodical By-Laws, regulations, and CCM rulings have superseded the LCMS President’s need to tell the truth about God.


Could this have anything to do with the South Wisconsin District President, the Texas District President, and “Jesus First” endorsing Werning’s false doctrine of the Trinity?


If the BOD wants me to answer questions about its Board Policy then the BOD will have to get Kieschnick to answer questions about God.


Perhaps, what Jesus Christ needed when Caiaphas questioned him was some Synodical Bylaws.

January 19, 2004