(Editorial Note From Rev. A. L. Loeschman * * *
The message below was sent out this morning by Trish Ollry on behalf of the
PSW district president at 0836 PDT today. Note that President Stoterau clearly
shows his bias by mischaracterizing what Benke did. Indeed we should pray for
Dr. Benke and that he will be granted repentance for what he did.)
June 28, 2002
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Three days after being elected the Lutheran Hour Speaker, the Rev. Wallace
Schultz, second vice-president of the LCMS, has suspended Dr. David Benke as
President of the Atlantic District and chairman of the Board of Regents for
Concordia University, Bronxville. Dr. Schultz has determined that it was a sin
against the Lord and the LCMS for praying in the name of Jesus in the midst of
unchristian people. I request prayers in the churches of the PSW this weekend
for Dr. Benke and the members of the Atlantic District. We also pray for those
who will hear the appeal of Dr. Benke and for our church. Above all else we
pray that we will always be bold in our witness of the love of God in Jesus
Christ where ever we may have the opportuntity.
Larry Stoterau, President
Pacific Southwest District, LCMS
(Editorial Note From Rev. Al. Loeschman * * * Why
couldn't the Holy Spirit lead Benke to repent? District Presidents don't often
think of that. And what kind of cheap shot artist is this Stoterau anyway?
What does Schultz's new position have to do with anything? Will Stoterau be
one of the chosen to hear Benke's appeal? We wonder how objective he would be?
Texas District Pres. James Linderman, reacted
also. Linderman is synod president G. Kieschnick's successor, who has publicly
announced that he is running again for the district job.)
June 28, 2002
A Note from President James R. Linderman, Texas District President:
After a number of telephone calls and email queries concerning the status
of Dr. David H. Benke, we are sending you the official notice from the First
Vice President of the Atlantic District as well as the official notice from
the President of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, both concerning the
official suspension of Dr. David Benke.
I want to encourage everyone to keep our Church in prayer, especially its
leadership and those who are particularly affected by this decision.
Jim Linderman
(Editorial Note: Notice that Linderman asks
everyone to pray for the "leadership." Yes, "the
leadership" is an important focus of the COP instead of asking everyone
to pray for the laity who pay for the generous salaries, executives,
secretaries, office buildings, and expense accounts of "the
leadership." The "leadership" is busy defending the rights of
District President Benke to pray in public with Moslems and Jews. The
leadership should be back in a 1000 empty LCMS pulpits preaching to lay people
as it used to do when the Synod was growing in the 1960's before there were
any full time District Presidents and "the leadership." The Synod
used to be a lot bigger with no full-time distrist leadership. Yes, the
leadership has become the focus of the leadership.)