P R E A M B L E :
Christians should practice fellowship with those who profess the true faith. (Acts 2:42; Hebrews 10:23-25); and
WHEREAS they should endeavor to keep the unity of the faith (Ephesians 4:1-6; I Corinthians 1:10); and
WHEREAS they, as a body, should administer the Office of the Keys (John 20:2l-23; Matthew 18:15-20); and
WHEREAS in such a body all things should be done decently and in order (I Corinthians 14:40);
THEREFORE, we, the members of Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church, herewith adopt the following Constitution according to which all affairs of this congregation, both spiritual and material, shall be governed.




    The name of this congregation shall be Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church, St. Clair Shores, Michigan.



    The purpose of this congregation shall be to extend the kingdom of God by the preaching and teaching of the Word of God and by the administration of the Sacraments according to the doctrinal standard of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (Article III), and to foster Christian fellowship and love.



    This congregation accepts and acknowledges all Canonical Books of the Old and New Testaments as the inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God, and the only rule and norm of faith and practice. It also acknowledges and accepts all the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church contained in the Book of Concord of 1580 as a true and unadulterated statement and exposition of the Word of God.

    No doctrine shall be taught or tolerated in this congregation which is in any way at variance with the Holy Scriptures and these Symbolical Books. Likewise, all controversies which may arise in this congregation shall be decided and adjudicated according to this norm of doctrine and practice.

The following are the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church:

The three Ecumenical Creeds (Apostles', Nicene, and Athanasian)
The Unaltered Augsburg Confession
The Apology of the Augsburg Confession
The Smalcald Articles
Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope
Luther's Small Catechism
Luther's Large Catechism
The Formula of Concord



The membership of this congregation shall consist of the following:

  1. Baptized Membership
    1. Definition
          Baptized members are all members who have been baptized, including children in the membership register who have not yet been confirmed.
    2. Admission into Membership
          Baptized members are admitted into membership by being baptized into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost; by transfer from a congregation in fellowship with this congregation; or by formal application for such spiritual care by at least one parent or guardian in the case of children who have been properly baptized in some other Christian church.
    3. Termination of Membership
          Baptized members who have been confirmed shall have their membership terminated according to regulations described in this Constitution regarding the termination of membership for "Communicant Members". Baptized members who have not been confirmed before they have reached the age of 18 years shall be automatically removed from the membership roster of the congregation, after due notice of such failure to meet their baptismal vows.
  2. Communicant Membership
    1. Definition
          Communicant members are those baptized members of the congregation who have received formal instruction in the fundamental doctrines of the Lutheran Church; have formally declared their acceptance of the doctrinal standard contained in Article III of this Constitution; and hold no membership in any organization having religious doctrines or ceremonies which are contrary to the Word of God and the calling of a Christian.
    2. Admission into Membership
      1. By Baptism
            Adults who have been formally instructed in the fundamental doctrines of the Lutheran Church shall become communicant members by the Sacrament of Holy Baptism if they have not received a valid baptism prior to completion of their formal instruction.
      2. By Confirmation
            Persons who undergo the rite of confirmation approved by this congregation shall become communicant members by this act.
      3. By Transfer
            The Voters' Assembly shall accept persons who present a valid letter of transfer from a congregation in fellowship with this congregation into communicant membership upon formal receipt and approval of such letter of transfer.
      4. By Profession of Faith
            Applications for communicant membership in this congregation may be made by persons not affiliated with a recognized orthodox Lutheran Church by presenting satisfactory evidence of their qualifications for membership in an interview with the Pastor and at least one Elder. The application shall be submitted for approval by the Pastor to the Voters' Assembly. If the application is approved, the applicant shall thereby become a communicant member of this congregation. This device shall ordinarily be used only in the case of those people who have at one time in their life been instructed in the doctrines of the Lutheran Church and accepted into the communicant membership of a Lutheran congregation.
    3. Termination of Membership
      1. Transfer to Other Congregations
            Communicant members desiring to join a congregation in fellowship with this congregation shall present their request for transfer of membership to the Pastor, who shall be authorized to issue such transfer. Such transfer of membership shall be reported to the Voters Assembly at its next regular meeting.
      2. Joining Other Churches
            Communicant members who have joined another congregation, or have expressed a sincere desire to join another congregation outside the fellowship of this congregation, automatically terminate their membership in this congregation by such action. The Pastor (or Elders) shall report such action to the Voters Assembly at the next regular meeting of that body when it has been properly determined that such action has been taken.
      3. Members Moving Away
            Members moving away from this community without obtaining a transfer of membership to another congregation in fellowship with this congregation shall be encouraged to make such transfer. If no transfer of membership is requested, however, after a period of one year, such a member or members may be removed from the membership roster of this congregation by a resolution of the Voters Assembly. Proper notification is to be forwarded to the members.
      4. Whereabouts Unknown
            The names of members whose whereabouts are unknown and cannot be established may be removed from the membership roster of this congregation by a resolution of the Voters Assembly and forthwith such membership is terminated.
      5. Excommunication and Self-Exclusion
            Members who conduct themselves in an unchristian manner shall be admonished according to Matthew 18:15-20. If they refuse to repent and to amend their sinful lives after proper admonition they shall be excommunicated. A unanimous affirmative vote shall be required for every resolution of the Voters Assembly for excommunication.
            Any person who casts a dissenting vote shall offer valid reason to the Voters Assembly, or the dissenting vote shall be declared void. The Pastor and the Board of Elders shall decide whether the reason given is valid. An invalid reason shall render the dissenting vote void. If the Pastor and the Board of Elders cannot agree unanimously that the reason for the dissenting vote is not valid, the dissenting vote shall stand, and excommunication shall not be executed.
            Members unwilling to submit to the discipline described above may request a release from membership in this congregation. Such action shall be considered self-exclusion from the Christian Church.
            Excommunication and/or self-exclusion shall terminate membership. Persons whose names have been removed from the membership roster of the congregation by excommunication or self-exclusion shall be notified of such action, if possible by certified mail within one week after the action has been taken. Self-excluded or excommunicated persons who repent and ask forgiveness of the congregation shall be reinstated into membership.
    4. Status of Excommunicated or Self-Excluded Members
          A person whose communicant membership has been terminated has forfeited all rights and privileges of a member of this congregation and all claims upon the property of the congregation as such, or any part thereof, so long as membership is not reinstated.
    5. Duties of Membership
          It shall be the duty of all communicant members to regularly attend public worship services offered by this congregation, if possible, and to partake of Holy Communion frequently; to send their children of school age to Sunday School and to catechetical instruction; to contribute material goods and personal service towards the maintenance of this congregation and the Church at large according to their abilities; and to submit and conform to the rules and regulations of the congregation.
  3. Voting Membership
    1. Definition
          All male communicant members of the congregation who have reached the age of 18 years and have signed the Constitution of this congregation in a regular meeting of the Voters Assembly shall have the right to vote in the meetings of the Voters Assembly except in cases otherwise restricted by the Constitution.
    2. Admission into Membership
          Persons who qualify for voting membership in this congregation as defined by its Constitution shall become voting members by formal request for such privilege from the Voters Assembly at a regular meeting of that body, and will be eligible to vote at the next regular Voters meeting as scheduled in Article I-A of the By-Laws.
    3. Termination of Membership
          A voting member who is absent from the meetings of the Voters Assembly for a full year without offering valid excuse shall have his name removed from the roster of the voting members. However, by making a request to the Voters' Assembly, he may be reinstated.
    4. Duties of Membership
          It shall be the duty of every voting member to attend all Voters meetings and to accept nomination for office, committee appointments, etc., if possible, and generally participate in the business activities of the Voters Assembly. It shall be the privilege of absent members with valid excuses to send their ballots in writing to the President of the congregation whenever an officer of the congregation is to be elected, or a significant issue on the agenda is to be considered.


  1. The office of the Pastor shall be bestowed upon such men who are certified ordained ministers in the Lutheran Church and confess all the Canonical Books of the Old and New Testaments as the inspired infallible inerrant Word of God and all the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (ref. Article III) as the correct teachings of the doctrines of the Word of God. This shall be expressly stated in the call given him by the congregation. The Pastor shall at all times be a member of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.
  2. The Pastor should be removed from office by the Voters Assembly by a two-thirds (2/3) majority ballot vote, in Christian and lawful order, for any of the following reasons:
    1. Persistent adherence to false doctrine
    2. Scandalous life
    3. Willful neglect of duties
  3. The congregation may request the resignation of the Pastor from his position in case of his prolonged incapacity or general incompetence.
  4. The right to call, choose and accept the Pastor shall be, and remain, the sole right of the Voters Assembly as a whole, and shall never be transferred to an individual or a smaller body within the congregation. To call a Pastor, a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote shall be required.


  1. To see that only such hymns, prayers and liturgies shall be used in the public services of the congregation and in all ministerial acts as conform to the Doctrinal Standards of Article III.
  2. Administer the Holy Sacraments and bring to the sick and infirm the consolation of the Gospel.
  3. To aid the parents in instruction of the young in true Lutheran doctrines.
  4. To admonish the erring, to recall the straying, to restore the fallen and watch over their souls.
  5. In general, to lead an exemplary life and perform duties incumbent upon his holy office.
  6. The Pastor, upon entering office, will sign this Constitution, thereby pledging himself to observe the same.


  1. In general, the Voters' Assembly, as a body, shall have supreme power to administer and manage all its external and internal affairs. The establishment and conduct of all institutions and societies within the congregation, such as Sunday School, Youth Societies, ladies organizations, choir, etc., shall at all times be subject to the approval and supervision of the Voters Assembly. The Voters Assembly, however, shall not be empowered to decide anything contrary to the Word of God and the Symbols of the Lutheran Church (Article III), and any such decisions shall be null and void. The order for church and ministry of this congregation shall be as stated in C.F.W. Walther’s theology found in "Law and Gospel", his theses found in "Church and Ministry" and "The True Visible Church," and his principles for church government found in "The Form of the Christian Congregation."
  2. Right of Calling
        The right to call, choose, and accept a Pastor, officer, teacher or any other lay worker shall be vested in the Voters Assembly and shall be decided by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members present at a legally called meeting, unless otherwise specified by the Constitution or By-Laws.
  3. Decisions
        The Word of God shall decide matters of Doctrine and conscience. Other matters shall be decided by the Voters Assembly by majority vote of members present at a legally called meeting, unless otherwise specified by the Constitution or By-Laws.
  4. Removal from Office
        The Voters' Assembly may remove any officer, teacher or lay worker from office by ballot, in Christian lawful order, for any of the following reasons:
    1. Persistent adherence to false doctrine
    2. Scandalous life
    3. Incompetence or the inability to perform their official duties or willful neglect of them.

    Such action shall, however, require a two-thirds (2/3) majority ballot vote. Such actions as named above shall be brought to the attention of the Board of Elders. If after being admonished, said person is still remiss, the Board of Elders shall make a recommendation to the Voters Assembly for action on removal from office or position.



  1. The officers' responsibilities shall be such as the By-Laws of this Constitution may prescribe.
  2. Congregational officers, teachers, lay workers or committees, whether elected or appointed, shall have no authority beyond that which has been conferred upon them, and whatever authority may have been delegated to them may at any time be altered or revoked.


  1. This congregation shall hold membership in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod as long as this Synod remains true to the Word of God and the Lutheran Confessions.
  2. This congregation shall send its Pastor and a lay delegate to the district convention of the Synod.


  1. If at any time in the future a separation should take place in the congregation on account of doctrine, the property of the congregation and all benefits therewith connected shall remain with those members who continue to adhere in confession and practice to Article III of this Constitution.
  2. The remaining voting members of the congregation can transfer the property and assets to a mission church and/or churches still confessing and practicing Article III and Article VII, Doctrinal Standard and Authority of the Congregation.
  3. In the event Synod is broken into splinter groups or synods, this congregation shall remain with that group which continues to adhere in confession and practice to Article III of this Constitution.


  1. Unalterable Articles
        The following articles of this Constitution or sections thereof, shall be unalterable and irrepealable: Articles III, IV and V (Paragraph A)
  2. Amendments
        Amendments to the Constitution and/or By-Laws may be adopted at regular meetings of the Voters Assembly provided the following requirements are met:
    1. Proposed amendment must not conflict with the Word of God or the Symbols of the Lutheran Church as enumerated in Article III.
    2. A quorum be present to vote on the amendment.
    3. All voting members shall receive a copy of the Proposed Amendment in writing two (2) weeks in advance of the meeting in which the amendment is to be proposed.
    4. The proposed amendment to the Constitution or By-Laws shall receive an affirmative vote of two thirds (2/3) majority of the members present at two (2) consecutive regular meetings of the Voters Assembly.







  1. Regular Meetings
        Regular meetings of the Voters Assembly shall be held in the months of January, March, May, July, September and November on a date and at a time designated in the Standing Rules of that body.
  2. Special Meetings
        Special meetings of the Voters Assembly may be called by the President of the congregation or the Pastor. All voting members shall be notified by mail of such special meetings before the Sunday preceding the meeting. No special meeting shall be held in the absence of the Pastor, unless absolutely necessary.


    The voters present at a properly called meeting shall constitute a quorum to transact all business of the congregation except for the following matters: to change Synodical affiliation, the purchase or sale of buildings or land, and the calling of a Pastor or the removal of a called Pastor or Teacher from office. In the exceptional cases stated, a majority of all voting members shall be required for a quorum. In the absence of a majority, the voters present may fix the date for an adjourned meeting for which at least five (5) days written notice shall be given. The members present at such adjourned meeting shall constitute a quorum.



    The officers shall be elected by ballot in the regular November meeting of the Voters Assembly. The officers-elect shall assume their respective duties immediately following their installation on the first Sunday in January. Officers shall be elected for terms specified in these By-Laws and shall hold office until their successors take up their duties in January.

    The slate shall be drawn up by a nominating committee of at least three (3) men appointed by the President of the congregation at the September meeting of the Voters Assembly. The Vice-President of the congregation shall be Chairman of the nominating committee. The Pastor shall be an advisory member of this committee. The slate shall consist of at least one name for each office. Additional nominations may be made from the floor.

    All officers shall hold office for a term specified in Article V of these By-Laws and may be re-elected.

    Vacancies which occur shall be filled for the remaining time of the officer's term by appointment of the President of the congregation after consultation with the Pastor.



    The elected officers of this congregation shall be: the President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, members of the Board of Elders, members of the Board of Trustees, Chairman of the Board of Education, Chairman of the Redeemer Lutheran School Board, Chairman of the Board of Evangelism, and Chairman of the Board of Stewardship. Elected officers must be voting members as required by the Constitution.

    Appointed officers of this congregation shall be the Sunday School Superintendents, and Youth Counselor or Counselors. Appointed officers need not be voting members, but must be a member of the congregation.

    The Church Council shall consist of the Chairmen of all boards, the President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, and Pastor as non-voting, ex-officio. The Council shall meet in the months alternate to those of the regular Voters Assembly meetings. The President of the congregation shall preside over the Church Council meetings. The Church Council shall only serve in an advisory capacity with no official duties or authority. The Church Council shall also serve as a forum for congregational officers and board Chairmen to exchange information and discuss the business of the Congregation. The President of the congregation or Pastor may call special meetings of the Church Council. Council members must be notified of the special meeting at least one week in advance. The meeting shall not be held without the presence of the Pastor, unless a majority deems it absolutely necessary.



  1. President and Vice-President
        The President and Vice-President of the congregation shall be elected for a term of one (1) year.
        The President shall preside at all meetings of the Voters Assembly using as a guide for Parliamentary Procedure Robert's Rules of Order, and shall perform such other duties as are assigned to him by the Constitution and By-Laws of the congregation as well as those specially assigned to him by the Voters Assembly.
        The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President whenever the President is absent or unable to perform the duties of his office.
  2. The Recording Secretary
        The Recording Secretary shall be elected for a term of one (1) year.
        The Recording Secretary shall keep accurate minutes of the meetings of the Voters Assembly for the permanent records of the congregation. He shall record actions only, not opinions and discussions. Written Committee and Board reports become part of the minutes. He shall also perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Voters Assembly consistent with the function of his office.
        The Recording Secretary shall also act as Secretary of the Church Council when it meets.
  3. Treasurer
        The Treasurer shall be elected for a term of one (1) year.
        The Treasurer shall keep accurate records of the receipts and disbursements of the congregation in books which shall be and remain the property of the congregation.
        He shall submit a brief financial report at every regular meeting of the Voters Assembly as well as a complete annual report in the January meeting for the preceding year. When a new Treasurer has been elected, the preceding Treasurer shall make the annual report for the period of his tenure. A committee appointed by the President of the congregation shall audit the books in January of each year.
        The Treasurer's records shall be audited once a year and also in event of transfer from one Treasurer to another if other than at the end of the year.
  4. The Financial Secretary
        The Financial Secretary shall be elected for a term of one (1) year.
        It shall be the duty of the Financial Secretary to keep an accurate record of the contributions of each communicant member of the congregation as well as a record of the total amounts of every collection. He shall furnish all communicant members using envelopes with a quarterly report of their contributions. He shall submit a brief report at every regular meeting of the Voters Assembly as well as a complete annual report in the January meeting for the preceding year. He shall make all records in his possession available to the Pastor or the Board of Elders upon request. He may select an assistant from the congregation if he deems it necessary. He shall be responsible for the proper deposit in the bank of all money received by the congregation. He shall serve as Chairman of the Finance Committee.
  5. The Board of Elders
        The Board of Elders shall consist of at least five (5) members who shall be elected for a term of two (2) years. Election shall take place in such a way that the term of office does not expire for all members of the Board at the same time.
        The Pastor shall be an ex-officio member of the Board of Elders and shall chair the Board meetings. A Chairman shall be elected for the Board and shall function as spokesman for the Board of Elders. The Chairman shall report to the Voters Assembly.
        The duties of the Elders shall consist of the following:
    1. In general, the Elders shall assist the Pastor in matters pertaining to the spiritual welfare of the congregation.
    2. They may assist the Pastor in the administration of the sacraments and other church rites when such assistance is requested.
    3. They shall see to it that all worship services of the congregation are conducted in a manner consistent with accepted Lutheran practices and as free as possible from needless disturbance.
    4. They shall appoint the Head Usher and supervise his work. Appointments shall be made each year prior to the first Sunday in January.
    5. They shall inform the Pastor of sick and needy members of the congregation and shall assist the Pastor in visiting such members as required.
    6. They shall make every effort possible to induce members who have been negligent in their attendance at worship services, in the use of the sacraments, or in the financial support of the church to amend their sinful lives and fully enjoy the rights and privileges of their membership.
    7. They shall exercise leadership in maintaining the peace and harmony that ought to always exist among the members of the congregation.
    8. They shall seek the advice and counsel of the President of the Michigan District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod on behalf of the congregation in the event a vacancy should occur in the pastoral office of the congregation.
    9. The Board of Elders shall meet at least once, if possible, prior to each regular meeting of the Voters Assembly.
  6. The Board of Trustees
        The Board of Trustees shall consist of at least six (6) members who shall be elected for a term of two (2) years. Election shall take place in such a way that the term of office does not expire for all members at the same time.
        The Pastor and the Treasurer of the congregation shall be advisory members of the Board of Trustees.
        The Board shall elect its own Chairman annually, and that Chairman shall both supervise the work of the Board and act as its spokesman in the meetings of the Voters Assembly.
        The duties of the Trustees shall be the following:
    1. In general, the Trustees are to administer all property of the congregation and to keep that property in good repair.
    2. They are to meet at least once prior to each regular meeting of the Voters Assembly for the purpose of inspection of the church property, the discussion of the material needs of the congregation, and to prepare recommendations for the Voters Assembly related to matters under the jurisdiction of the Board whenever this is necessary.
    3. They shall act as the legal representatives of the congregation in all matters pertaining to civil government, legal contracts, documents, etc.
    4. They shall provide for proper storage and protection of all important records and documents of the congregation.
    5. They shall annually review all matters pertaining to insurance held by the congregation and shall make certain that the congregation is adequately protected against loss, damage of property, or lawsuit. The Board shall also inventory all church property and equipment annually.
    6. They shall provide for the care and repair of all church property within the limits hereinafter set forth. The Trustees shall be permitted to spend an amount not to exceed $500.00 per month without previous consent of the Voters Assembly in the pursuit of their duties. However, in the case of an emergency when repairs of an essential nature are required, the Trustees may spend in excess of $500.00 to make such repairs. All other expenditures in excess of $500.00 per month shall have the prior consent of the Voters Assembly.
    7. They shall appoint and supervise the work of the janitor and shall provide such supplies as he needs to do his work efficiently.
    8. They shall, in consultation and cooperation with the Pastor, hire and dismiss the secretary and organist-choir director, with Voters Assembly approval. The Pastor shall, however, supervise the work of the secretary and organist-choir director.


    Members of the Congregation may be appointed to the Board of Education, Redeemer Lutheran School Board, Board of Evangelism, and Board of Stewardship and need not be members of the Voters’ Assembly.

  1. The Finance Committee
        The Finance Committee shall consist of the Financial Secretary, the Treasurer, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and two other persons appointed by the Financial Secretary. The Pastor and the President of the congregation shall be advisory members of the Committee.
        The duties of this Committee shall be as follows:
    1. It shall be responsible for the distribution of contribution envelopes to all communicant members of the congregation who are willing to contribute by means of envelopes.
    2. It shall formulate and supervise the methods and means to be used by the congregation in raising funds needed for local and outside purpose in accordance with biblical principles relative to these matters. The Pastor shall advise the Committee in all matters pertaining to stewardship programs by virtue of his office as overseer of all Christian education.
    3. It shall prepare a budget proposal for the congregation each year after consultation with representatives of the Boards of Elders and Trustees as well as other committee heads. A copy of the proposed budget shall be in the hands of the voting membership two weeks prior to the November meeting. The proposed budget shall be presented to the Voters Assembly for adoption at the regular meeting in November.
  2. The Board of Education
        The Board of Education Chairman shall be elected for a term of one (1) year.
        The Chairman shall see to it that the Board of Education carries out the duties assigned to it and shall represent that Board in the meetings of the Voters Assembly.
        The Chairman, in consultation with the Pastor, shall appoint two or more other persons to serve on this Board for a period of one year. Such appointments shall be submitted to the Voters Assembly for ratification. If the Voters Assembly fails to ratify an appointment, a new appointment shall be made by the Board Chairman and submitted to the next regular meeting of the Voters Assembly.
        The Pastor and the Sunday School Superintendent or Superintendents shall be ex-officio members of the Board.
        The duties of this Board shall be as follows:
    1. It shall be responsible for all religious education in the congregation and shall execute such resolutions as the congregation may adopt in matters related to education.
    2. It shall see that written records are kept of every child in the congregation whether that child is enrolled in an educational agency of the congregation or not.
    3. It shall inform the Board of Elders of baptized children on the membership roster of the congregation who are of an age to be enrolled in an educational agency of the congregation but are not yet enrolled. It shall also inform the Board of Elders of children enrolled in Sunday School that are seriously delinquent in their attendance. Such reports shall be made to the Board of Elders in October, February, and in June, as well as at any other time the Board feels that such reports ought to be made.
    4. It shall formulate policies in educational matters for the congregation when necessary. All policies, however, shall receive prior approval of the Voters Assembly before they shall be in effect.
    5. It shall encourage the congregation to set up agencies and organizations that will provide learning opportunities for all age levels. The use of all educational agencies other than Sunday School and catechetical instruction classes conducted by the Pastor shall first be approved by the Voters Assembly if the Voters desire such a review. All decisions made by the Voters Assembly shall have priority whenever such is made.
    6. It shall be responsible for recruiting and training capable personnel for the various educational agencies of the congregation according to policies and regulations that have been formulated by the Board and approved by the congregation.
    7. It shall bring to the attention of the Voters Assembly needs for facilities and equipment for all educational agencies.
    8. It shall be responsible for decisions regarding the kind of curriculum to be followed in the Sunday School and the materials to be purchased for teaching purposes. Such decisions shall always be subject to review by the Voters Assembly if the Voters desire such a review. All decisions made by the Voters Assembly shall have priority whenever such is made.
    9. The Board shall meet at least once, if possible, prior to each regular meeting of the Voters Assembly.

    The Sunday School Superintendent or Superintendents:
        The Sunday School Superintendent or Superintendents shall be appointed by the Board of Education in the month of December to serve for a period of two (2) years. The same person or persons may be reappointed. Appointment of the Superintendent or Superintendents shall be made only after the counsel of the Pastor has been obtained regarding the persons selected for this office. The appointments shall be ratified by the Voters Assembly at its next regular meeting before the person or persons elected may take office. In the event that the appointments are not ratified, the Board must proceed again to appoint another person or persons.
        It shall be the duty of the Sunday School superintendent or superintendents to administer the organization of the Sunday School according to the policies adopted by the congregation. They shall see their function as assistant to the Pastor who is charged with the responsibility for the conduct of the Sunday School.

    The Youth Counselors:
        The Youth Counselors shall be approved by the Board of Education.

  3. Redeemer Lutheran School Board
    1. Statement of Purpose for Redeemer Lutheran School
          The purpose of Redeemer Lutheran School is to help children attain their highest God-given potential. To this endeavor, by the grace of God, the children will be taught the Gospel, academics, knowledge of the Bible and the Lutheran Catechism. Our goal is to prepare children for a life of meaningful service to God, their families, fellow citizens, and country by helping them to fully utilize the talents with which their Creator endows them. With God’s blessing students will grow in knowledge, wisdom, faith, and service in their Savior Jesus Christ.
    2. Redeemer Lutheran School Board
      1. The Chairman shall be a voting member of Redeemer Lutheran Church and elected for a term of two (2) years. The Board members shall elect the Vice-Chairman from the Board.
      2. Not more than ten (10) additional Board members will be appointed to the Board by the Voters Assembly for two-year terms. The Chairman, in consultation with the Pastor, shall appoint five (5) persons to serve on the Board each year for a two-year term. Such appointments shall be submitted to the Voters Assembly for ratification. If the Voters Assembly fails to ratify an appointment, a new appointment shall be made by the Board Chairman and submitted to the next regular meeting of the Voters Assembly.
      3. All Board members shall be communicant members of Redeemer Lutheran Church.
      4. The Principal, Preschool Director, Pastor, Assistant Pastor, Deaconess, congregational President and Vice President are eligible to serve as non-voting ex-officio members of the Board.
      5. The Pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church shall serve as superintendent and Pastor of Redeemer Lutheran School.
    3. Duties of the Redeemer Lutheran School Board:
      1. In general, the Board shall oversee the operation and maintenance of Redeemer Lutheran School for the benefit of the school and Redeemer Lutheran Church.
      2. The Board will establish a written policy manual to oversee curriculum, the academic and religious standards, the academic schedule, the teachers’ handbook, staff evaluation and responsibilities, the student handbook, enrollment, supplies, budget, tuition, code of discipline, classroom utilization, etc. It will also oversee contracting and calling of staff, finances, fund raising and salary scales.
      3. The Board shall appoint subcommittees as needed, and elect its own treasurer and secretary.
      4. The School Board shall maintain a separate account with a financial institution.
      5. The Board shall submit a fiscal budget covering the period from July 1 to June 30 of the following year to the Voters Assembly in May.
      6. As in all other boards of Redeemer Lutheran Church, all decisions of the Redeemer Lutheran School Board are subject to review and approval by the Voters Assembly.
    4. Duties of the Chairman:
      1. In all his duties the Chairman will serve as a spokesman for Redeemer Lutheran School.
      2. The Chairman will be a member of the Church Council and will provide a report at every Voters Assembly regarding the state of the school, its finances, and its needs. This report will also be made available to the entire congregation.
      3. The Chairman shall ask the congregational President to arrange for an annual audit of Redeemer Lutheran School.
    5. Duties of the Treasurer:
      1. The treasurer shall keep the financial records of the school and administer all the school accounts.
      2. The finances of the school shall be subject to an annual audit.
    6. Qualifications of the Teacher:
      1. All teachers shall have a degree in education from an accredited Lutheran College or have completed a colloquy for Lutheran teachers; they must be able to teach at the highest levels of academic standards and be able to thoroughly communicate the teachings of the Bible and the Lutheran Catechism. If graduates from Missouri Synod Lutheran colleges are not available, the teachers must be members of the Missouri Synod.
      2. All teachers must be fully supportive of Article III of this Constitution.
      3. All teachers are under the administration of the Principal and the Pastor.
      4. As in all cases, the Voters of Redeemer Lutheran Church maintain final authority over all called church workers, contracted staff, and employees of Redeemer Lutheran School.
  4. The Board of Evangelism
        The Board of Evangelism Chairman shall be elected for a term of one (1) year.
    The Chairman, in consultation with the Pastor, shall appoint two (2) or more to serve on this Board for a period of one (1) year. Such appointments shall be submitted to the Voters Assembly for ratification. If the Voters Assembly fails to ratify an appointment, a new appointment shall be made by the Board Chairman and submitted to the next regular meeting of the Voters Assembly.
        The Pastor shall be an ex-officio member of this Board and the President of the congregation shall be an advisory member of the Board.
        The duties of this Board shall be as follows:
    1. It shall endeavor to keep all members of the congregation active in the affairs of the congregation and shall assist the various boards and standing committees of the congregation, upon request, in such matters.
    2. It shall manage all organized efforts of the congregation to gain new members.
    3. It shall assist new members in becoming integrated with the life and work of the congregation.
  5. The Board of Stewardship
        The Board of Stewardship Chairman shall be elected for a term of one (1) year.
        The Chairman, in consultation with the Pastor, shall appoint four (4) or more to serve on this Board for a period of one (1) year. Such appointments shall be submitted to the Voters Assembly for ratification.
        The Pastor shall be an ex-officio member of this Board.
        The duties of this Board shall be as follows:
    1. To educate the congregation in the principles and practice of the complete stewardship life.
    2. To educate the congregation to appreciate the privileges and responsibilities of membership in the congregation.
    3. To enlist and train workers in the congregation.
    4. To cultivate a mission consciousness and concern.
    5. To educate and train the congregation in the grace of giving and adequate support for the work program of the congregation and its outreach through District and Synod.
    6. To report to the Board of Elders and to the Voters Assembly such members who are delinquent in church attendance, communion attendance, and contributions.


The Order of Business for the Voters Assembly shall be as follows:

  1. Opening devotion
  2. Roll call
  3. Reception of new voting members
  4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting
  5. Reports
  6. Elections or inductions
  7. Correspondence
  8. Unfinished business
  9. New business (Must be cleared with the President prior to a Voters Assembly meeting)
  10. Matters of individuals (Must be cleared with the President prior to a Voters assembly meeting)
  11. Adjournment with prayer.


All questions of order in the business meetings of the Voters Assembly shall be determined in accordance with ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER, Revised Edition, insofar as the same are not contrary to the Constitution and By-Laws of this congregation.

Church polity today is not the same as that which C.F.W. Walther had in his day.  Some congregations, like Redeemer - St. Clair Shores, have kept the Voters' Assembly model.  It is reproduced here as an example of how a congregation should be structured, with the Voters' Assembly having the final word.