There is no question that South Wisconsin has its contemporary worship devotees and
gurus, but not enough to prevent the passage of 6 theses on worship
at their recent Convention. What happened, did the Bill Hybles wannabees forget their
Norbert Oesch PLI handbooks?
If Reclaim Readers have not absorbed the importance of these theses sent in a previous
release, take a look at these points. While entire Districts in the Synod seek to
replicate the worship practices of Willow Creek and Billy Graham the majority in South
Wisconsin want their worship "Lutheran."
As the Synod continues to truly divide itself according to worship and polity one has
to wonder which parts of the Synod will retain the heritage of Lutheran worship in the
next generation?
We ask our readers to reconsider some of the following statements quoted from the
Mequon Theses on worship recently adopted by the South Wisconsin District that will also
be and recommended to the Synod at the 2001 LCMS Convention.
"WE CONFESS that worship (Gottesdienst) is our triune God's service to us, and our
faithful responses always direct us back to God from whom all blessings flow."
"WE DENY that worship is primarily a human activity, which is constituted by
contrived efforts at emotion-centered adoration and praise."
"Because worship is the central activity in the life of the Christian Trinitarian
creeds and catechetical statements should be regularly incorporated."
"Worship will not be an entertainment event for the audience or a popularity
contest for the message-givers."
"WE CONFESS that worship flows from the Gospel. At the heart and center of all
worship is Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice for sin. In worship, the living and
saving Lord comes to give us life."
"WE DENY that worship is based on the Law, namely, that our feelings or gifts
supplement the work of Christ."
"WE CONFESS that in the liturgy God's Word and sacraments are proclaimed and
administered. Through these means, God dispenses forgiveness, life, and salvation."
"WE DENY that the liturgy is a mere form to produce the desired responses in
"WE CONFESS that the environment of worship should be theologically sound,
aesthetically pleasing, and spiritually edifying."
"WE DENY that art and architecture are neutral factors in a setting for
Districts like Michigan, Minnesota South, California Hawaii Nevada, Southern, Kansas,
and Texas are joining the ranks of the Reformed denominations, if not in name, at least in
The Mequon Theses are a veritable Declaration of Independence from the tyranny of
emotional contemporary worship legalism and the bony clutches of Huldreich Zwingli.
For every layman who wants to keep the use of his Lutheran hymnbooks and catechism in
their worship services and church, the battle cry must be "Adopt and Practice the
Mequon Theses."
Take a copy to your pastor, church council, board of directors, board of elders, and
Voters' Assembly. If your pastor and worship leaders don't love the Mequon Theses you will
know why they must be removed from your church if you want to keep your church Lutheran or
why you will have to start a new congregation.