Announcing the Third National Free Conference on C.F.W. Walther
St. Louis, Missouri - October 26 & 27, 2001
By Rev. Jack Cascione


Due to the tragic terrorist attack, most of our speakers are unable to make the conference. We regret that the National Free Conference on C.F.W. Walther has been cancelled for this year.

The Third National Free Conference on C. F. W. Walther will be held on Friday, October 26 through Saturday, October 27 at Hope Lutheran Church, 10701 St. Cosmas Lane, St. Ann, MO 63074 (314-429-3808), about 2 and ½ miles from St. Louis' Lambert International Airport. This conference is for lay people and clergy, beginning at 1:00 p.m. on Friday and ending at noon on Saturday.

Advertising the Conference this year was delayed pending the adoption of Resolution 7-17A at this past Synodical Convention.

A resolution presented to our Conference last year by the Rev. William Bischoff resulted in the 2001 Convention's adoption of Resolution 7-17A, which means that Walther's "Church and Ministry" was and still is the official position of the LCMS, even though neither Seminary has been teaching this to their students.

The full list of speakers will be published the first week in September. The Rev. Rolf Preus of the ELS will discuss polity differences between the LCMS, ELS and WELS and the Rev. Thomas Bye of Good Shepherd Lutheran of Oshkosh, Wisconsin will explain why so many "conservative" pastors and those promoting "Church Growth" are whoring after episcopacy and power.

Do you have paper you want to present? There is also still time for readers suggest a particular subject or speaker.

The Conference will address the great grace and victory in the adoption of Resolution 7-17A and its implications for the LCMS. Now that Walther's "Church and Ministry" remains the official position of the LCMS, how will lay people start reclaiming their congregations?

By the grace of God, the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod was blessed with the most outstanding Lutheran theologian outside of Europe as its first President. Walther's works set the highest standards of Biblical scholarship in the doctrines of Justification, preaching Law and Gospel, Church and Ministry, the Church Independent of the State, the Priesthood of all Believers, the Pastoral Ministry, the Proper Administration of the Sacraments, the authority of the Scriptures and much, much more.

It is the goal of the Conference organizers to maintain the teaching and practice of this rich heritage to the church at large. It is also our goal that each speaker will present resolutions that will help bring this information to the attention of the 2003 District Conventions and the 2004 Convention of the LCMS.

Constitutional changes and restructuring are rapidly being introduced in many LCMS congregations. Voter Supremacy, as established by C. F. W. Walther in "The Form of A Christian Congregation," published in 1864 and republished by CPH in 1989, is being removed or changed.

In the event of a merger, dissolution etc. of a congregation, Voters' Assemblies without supremacy or final authority, have no claim in American Courts relative to the ownership and final administration of their church property, which in many cases, is transferred to the District Offices.

This is the only Conference on C. F. W. Walther in the LCMS. The organizers of this conference seek nothing less than a revival and reaffirmation of Walther's teaching and practice in the LCMS.

NOW is the time to book your flights to St. Louis while the fares are low. Complete information as to housing will also be forthcoming in the next releases.

Rev. Jack Cascione is pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church (LCMS - MI) in St. Clair Shores, Michigan. He has written numerous articles for Christian News and is the author of Reclaiming the Gospel in the LCMS: How to Keep Your Congregation Lutheran. He has also written a study on the Book of Revelation called In Search of the Biblical Order.
He can be reached by email at

August 3, 2001