"Jesus First" Requests Correction From "Reclaim News"
By Rev. Jack Cascione


From "Jesus First"

Dear Pastor Cascione:

In the past when I have written to you personally and privately, you have published my correspondence without my permission. For this one, you have my permission.

In your "Reclaim News" of 7/23/2002, you state: "When Wallace Schulz finally made his decision, his ruling was posted by President David Benke on the "Jesus First" website." Please check our website at JesusFirst.net. There has been no change to the website since 9/24/2002. [We think he means 2001]

You are in error. This is not the first time you have done this. Your false reporting in this matter will cause people to believe that "JesusFirst" had something to do with the Lutheran Hour Ministry's decision regarding Wallace Schultz. JesusFirst did not have anything to do with it. Please retract your statement as publicly as you made it.

Rev. Charles S. Mueller, Jr.

Reply to "Jesus First" from "Reclaim News"

Isn't "Day Star" run by Jesus First?

Reply from "Jesus First"

A simple question deserves [a] simple answer. NO.

JesusFirst and Daystar are two separate organizations. Please retract your statement because it is not true.

Jesus First had nothing to do with the suspension of Wallace Schultz, nor did we publish any documents related to his decision regarding Dave Benke.

Every day you allow this false report to go uncorrected stands as a witness against you. As a Christian, you will want to remove this false report so as to restore your reputation and the reputation of Jesus First.

Rev. Charles S. Mueller, Jr.

Reply from "Reclaim News"

From past activities of "Jesus First" and "Day Star," it was assumed that both organizations were one and the same. From our investigation we have concluded at the present time that "Jesus First" and "Day Star" are not the same group. Therefore, it was "Day Star" and not "Jesus First" that placed the Schulz ruling about suspending Benke on its Website and not "Jesus First."

It seems to be a rather moot point since the goal of the article was to show that Jesus First, Day Star, President Kieschnick, and the LCMS Board for Communication Services are working to try and judge the Benke Case in the America media.

The question is, "At what point have the goals of "Jesus First" and "Day Star" not been identical? They work together for a common cause. Why doesn 't "Jesus First" show its outrage over those who enlisted the godless American Media and eleven U.S. Congressmen to attack the Bible, the LCMS Constitution, and Wallace Schulz?

This continuing public media trial has resulted in millions of dollars of losses to the LLL; the firing of Wallace Schulz who was performing his constitutional duty; and the public disgrace of the LCMS. Why? Because this is what it will take for "Jesus First" and "Day Star" to get their presidential candidate reelected regardless of breach of ethics and damage to the LLL and the LCMS.

We also notice that Charlie Mueller does not show any concern about the intentional destruction of the Synod by those trying the Benke Case in the American Media. No, Charlie Muller is more concerned that we retract our statement that the Schulz ruling first appeared on "Jesus First" instead of "Day Star."

We hereby apologize for that error.

However, on examining the "Day Star" website, which links to the "Jesus First" website, we can read many comments about "Jesus First" and "Day Star" working together to elect Kieschnick, support resolutions, candidates, and restructure the LCMS such as follows:

David Benke:
Wrote: http://day-star.net/ezine/dp_comments_01-08-23.htm
Views on the 2001 Convention of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
Letter to Pastors and Leaders," August 2001

"Campaigning and Party Spirits"
"I want you to know that what I've just said represents my personal point of view. I have been active in, although not a member of, a group called "Jesus First Leadership" (www.JesusFirst.net). I'm also a participant in an e-mail network and host of conferences called "Daystar" (www.day-star.net). Jesus First and Daystar are the "new kids on the block" in terms of synodical politics and discourse. Since until they arrived the church political realm was basically "the sound of one hand clapping," the groups and individuals representing the archconservative points of view have been way less than happy to invite Jesus First and Daystar to the table. Attacks have been: (a) continual; (b) fierce. This was to be expected.

"What is important is what Jesus First and Daystar represent. You should know that, because I have been involved with them, and I want NOT to be a voice of divisiveness in our church body. Jesus First and Daystar represent the following, in my opinion:
1. A desire for a mission-driven denomination
2. A desire for open and honest communication, exploring differences without assignation of blame and guilt
3. Progressive voices not "stuck" in past traditions
4. Gospel and means of grace as central, rather than rules and rulebooks
5. Synod as advisory to its members, both individual and congregational, as originally constituted
6. A desire for expanded ecumenical exploration and action in this country and globally
7. A desire for the utilization of the gifts and talents of all of God's people, the "priesthood of all believers"
8. Appropriate respect for the office of the holy ministry . . . .

"I view the fact that Jesus First and Daystar are alive and well as healthy for the LCMS. Responsible voices from many points of view now need to be heard, not simply excoriated and tossed out. The table is set."

Pastor Eugene Brueggemann
Writes http://day-star.net/ezine/advisory_00-06-29.htm
"We thank our sisters and brothers of the Jesus First Leadership group for permission to publish the article on DayStar Arising."

Stephan C. Krueger wrote: Thu, 04 Jul 2002 17:01:19
"Reflections From the Toxic Left"

"If the DayStar conversation and Jesus First Leadership organizing were tested at this convention, as David's going up against a Goliath-sized machine, by the grace of God we passed the test not only with flying colors but with a new-found confidence that the synod must and will take our evangelical and mission-minded concerns seriously.

"As one who had been openly critical of Jesus First Leadership during these last three years, I want to go on record as singing that team's praises during the convention push. Working well into the nights and with DayStar analysts, the JFL team came through in spades. Their early morning briefings, publications and voting suggestions made the gospel's cause a coherent and united one on the convention floor. I am given to understand, contra Werning, that JFL intends to be around for some time to come, and I am glad. They will continue to need our support and encouragement and they deserve it."

Miriam Hoelter
Wrote: http://day-star.net/ezine/woman_01-08-04.htm
A Woman Delegate's Perspective on the 2001 Convention ortland, Oregon
"I was very proud of the Daystar and Jesus First folks there."

Matt Becker
Wrote: http://day-star.net/ezine/comments_01-07-07.htm
Comments On Resolutions

"While some on Daystar and Jesus First might question the propriety of talking so frankly about specific resolutions, I think we need to risk such a conversation for the sake of helping our synod, for the sake of seeking consensus and for the sake of helping to inform delegates."

Ralph Bohlmann
Wrote: LCMS 2000: http://day-star.net/ezine/previous.htm
"Advice for an Advisory Synod"

"Articles in Jesus First, a publication of LCMS Lutherans seeking to develop and support Gospel-centered leadership throughout the synod, have again and again championed the cause of responsible freedom under the Word of God, while cautioning the synod not to forget its advisory character over against its members."

Tom Zehnder
Wrote Sat, 20 Jul 2002 19:13:01 GMT http://day-star.net/ezine/previous.htm
About the Jesus First Leadership Team Article removed

David G. Truemper wrote:
Thu, 04 Jul 2002 17:04:37 GMT http://day-star.net/freemin.htm
"Freedom for Ministry in the Lutheran Confessional Writings" January 18, 2000

"We hope that the Jesus First folks really do have a plan that has a chance of succeeding. We hope that our own voices will be heard as voices of not just moderation but of the very freedom of the gospel. We dare to hope that what we're sticking our collective necks out for will reverse the obstinate, authoritarian, oppressive and gospel-contrary path the current leadership is taking."

Steve Kruger wrote:
DayStar Meets in Free Conference at Portland Febuary 1, 2000

"Our gathering also did a lot to promote communication and cooperation between DayStar and a parallel movement called Jesus-First Leadership. I would encourage us all to support JFL as a tangible way to get our concerns before the 2001 national convention. It was good to get to know Tom Zehnder of this movement and, as outgoing chairman of our steering committee, to present them with a few DayStar bucks. They've a strategy in place to reclaim Missouri for the Gospel and they're worth taking seriously."

Eugene Brueggemann wrote:
Missouri's Constitutional Crisis
This article first appeared in the Easter/Spring 2001 issue of Lutheran Forum [Vol. 35, No. 1].

"Is there much hope for the preservation of a truly evangelical Missouri Synod? Jesus First and Daystar, Inc. are ad hoc organizations of Missouri pastors and lay people that are trying to alert the members of the Synod to what is happening and to muster enough support for an evangelical and mission-focused agenda to prevent the worst from happening this summer in St. Louis. Will it work? Only God knows; and he's not telling."

Rev. Jack Cascione is pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church (LCMS - MI) in St. Clair Shores, Michigan. He has written numerous articles for Christian News and is the author of Reclaiming the Gospel in the LCMS: How to Keep Your Congregation Lutheran. He has also written a study on the Book of Revelation called In Search of the Biblical Order.
He can be reached by email at pastorcascione@juno.com.

July 26, 2002