Please Come

Tuesday July 13, 1999 - 7:00 p.m.

Baby sitting will be provided. This is our final planning meeting. We need as many volunteers in attendance as possible. Children will be watched in our fenced playground area while we meet with the volunteers, or in the gym if it is raining. You need to pick up and become familiar with the teaching materials.

What’s New for VBS 1999?

Every year, by God’s grace, we are able to make some improvements to our constantly expanding Redeemer Lutheran Church Vacation Bible School. We offer Vacation Bible School at no charge to the children in our community . Following are some of what is new for 1999.

1. The Church is now air conditioned - It cost us $32,000.00. You will like it. We are already liking it.

2. More Classrooms - We are adding more classrooms by adding two more tents. Last year we had too many students, 280 to be exact. We used to have three tents, 20 feet by 40 feet with a divider in the middle. We will now have five tents, for a total of four additional classrooms. The fellowship hall classrooms will be totally Preschool. The Kindergarten will move outside into the tents. The tent rental will cost us $1,400.00.

3. Jungle Journey - We are using CPH’s new series called Jungle Journey. Our cost is 1,500.00.

4. Learning The Lord’s Prayer - We will increase the recitation of basic Christian teaching. All the children will be taught the Lord’s Prayer.

5. A New Lesson Each Day - There will a new Bible lesson and theme for each day of VBS.

Monday: Rise Up And Follow, Jesus heals a paralyzed man and calls Matthew - Matthew 9:1-13

Tuesday: The Hillside Restaurant, Jesus feeds 5,000 folks - Matthew 14:13-21

Wednesday: A High-Water Hazard, Jesus and Peter walk on water - Matthew 14:22-36

Thursday: A Cross-Eyed Plan, Jesus is the Christ, the Promised One - Matthew 16:13-28

Friday: The Sunrise Surprise, The women witness Jesus’ resurrection - Matt 28:1-10

Volunteers Need: Please help us

Volunteer Staff Form

Please check area of interest and mail it or bring it to Redeemer Lutheran Church.

I would like to help with Vacation Bible School in

Maintenance_____ Assist in Maintenance____ Crafts______ Assist in Crafts_______

Kitchen_________ Assist in Kitchen________ Records____ Assist in Records______

Baby Sitting_____ Assist in Baby Sitting____ _ Teaching____ Assistant Teacher_____

Recreation______ Assist in Recreation_____ Music______ Assist in Music_______




Craft and Food Items Needed. Please Donate


cellophane tape_____ hole punches________ colored feathers________

tacky glue_________ packages size 20 mm wiggly eyes_____ scissors_____

key rings_________ colored marking pens (washable)______ staplers________

crayons_____ white or carpenter’s glue_____ tempera paint_____

paint brushes_____ zip lock freezer bags (1 gallon) _____



Cakes_____ Cookies_____ Cheese_____ Fruit_____ Pretzels_____

Potato chips_____ Cupcakes_____ Pre-sweetened fruit drinks_____ Fruit juices_____




This page is part of the Vacation Bible School materials from Redeemer Lutheran Church, St. Clair Shores, Michigan.  They are from our 1999 VBS program.  To learn more about it, see the related article or contact Pastor Jack Cascione.

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