The great deception being perpetrated by the majority of
the LCMS district offices on LCMS congregations is that changing worship style does not
change doctrine, substance, or their faith in God. The facts are that the opposite is true
and the district offices know exactly what they are doing. Job 17:12 They change the
night into day: the light [is] short because of darkness.
The overwhelming empirical data gathered by eminent researchers from Harvard and
Stanford, renowned educators, psychologists, artists, art critics, Luther, and the clear
application of logic and the Scripture agree that changing "style" must change
"substance" or at least the definition and understanding of the substance. This
deception is promoted in the LCMS in books written by Dr. David Luecke titled
"Evangelical Style Lutheran Substance" and "The Other Story of Lutherans at
Worship," with the intent to destroy historic Christianity. The latter of these two
books is endorsed on the back by John Heins, former Chairman of the Council of the LCMS
District Presidents.
Changes in the externals such as vocabulary and behavior at worship do change thought
and belief. We are not speaking about changing thee’s and thou’s, or Holy Ghost
to Holy Spirit, or translating from German to English. We are speaking about deletions of
traditional parts of worship such as the invocation, confession and absolution, Scripture
lessons, the Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the benediction, and introduction of
emotional, meaningless songs, new creeds, syncopation, informality, charismatic rituals
and gyrations.
Changing language in worship changes the way we
think about God:
More than 35 years ago, in 1964, Dr. John B. Carroll wrote
a small but landmark primer on the psychological and behavioral results of using new
definitions and terms for familiar concepts titled "Language and Thought."1 Carroll was a professor at the University of Minnesota, a noted lecturer at
Harvard, and a consultant to governmental and educational organizations.2
In his introduction Carroll writes about the need for the
fusion of psychology with the social and biological sciences.3 He writes "One
of the major themes of this book is that thought and cognition are presupposed by
language--that speech is a consequence of some kind of thought or cognition, even though language structure may channel or influence thought."4
The point of application here is that if I change the way
you speak about Jesus, I change the way you think about Jesus. If I change words you use
to worship Jesus in the liturgy, I change the way you think about Jesus. If I substitute
Assembly of God/Pentecostal songs and phrasing for Lutheran terminology, I will get you to
think like a charismatic before you know what has happened to you.
On this point Carroll writes, "The idea that the structure of one’s
language affects one’s thought processes may be called the linguistic-relativity
hypothesis, because it asserts that thought is relative to the
language in which it is conducted."5
Again Carroll writes: "Language symbols-or, rather,
the internal processes that underlie given language symbols for the individual-may figure
prominently in thinking and often determine its direction."6
For example, there is an entirely different approach to religion when saying to the
congregation, "The Lord be with you," and the congregation responding, "And
also with you," versus the pastor shouting, "Praise the Lord," and the
congregation shouting back, "Alleluia!"
Once again Carroll concludes, "Do specific language codes have an influence on
the thinking process? In principle, they can, if the above line of argumentation is
accepted, and in certain instances they do."7
In contemporary LCMS services throughout the Synod,
worshipers are supposed to adopt newly invented liturgies, songs, and gyrations without
question as part of their own faith every week. Eph 4:14 That we [henceforth] be no
more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the
sleight of men, [and] cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.
The district offices’ goal for this intentional manipulation of language, terms,
and actions in LCMS worship services is increased control, market share, and financial
gain for the district office, pastor, and congregation. Claims that changes in worship
style don’t affect the substance of what we believe are patently false. Yes,
equivalent language is possible and should be the goal when changing languages. However,
the Church Growth Movement is not about equivalents, but paganizing the worship service
under the pretext of evangelism.
Changing the way people behave in worship changes
the way people believe in God:
Dr. Leon Festinger, Professor at Stanford University, wrote
his landmark book titled, "A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance," in
1957 at the request of the Ford Foundation, Behavioral Sciences Division.8
The research of Festinger and his colleagues shows that if
I change the way people behave in the worship service, I will change the way they believe
about God. If I have people follow Assembly of God and Pentecostal style singing, worship,
motions, and emotions, they will eventually believe what these churches believe.
Festinger’s research is in direct contradiction to the party line coming from the
districts which say that worship style does not affect substance. Districts promoting the
Church Growth cult are part of a conspiracy to replace historic Christianity in LCMS
congregations. The cult leaders/pastors introduce the changes through the methodology they
call "Leadership Training". The cult called the "Michigan 102" and the
district office have virtually destroyed traditional Christian worship in two thirds of
the district.
The average reader will not understand Festinger’s description of his book in the
following sentence, but please look at the explanation following the sentence. "Cognitive
dissonance can be seen as an antecedent condition which leads to activity oriented toward
dissonance reduction just as hunger leads to activity oriented toward hunger reduction".9 A "cognitive" is something you know. "Dissonance reduction"
is the behavior you change in order to resolve contradictory or disagreeable information
and, thus, arrive at consonance.
Festinger and his colleagues delved into new research that some have labeled,
"studies in mind control." He was one of the first to gather empirical data10 on how people’s beliefs could be changed by changing their
He writes, "Given that a cognition is responsive to ‘reality’ (as we
have seen), if the behavior of the organism changes, the cognitive element or elements
corresponding to this behavior will likewise change. This method of reducing or
eliminating dissonance is a very frequent occurrence."11
He also discovered that one could be even more effective in changing belief and behavior
if it was also possible to control the environment.12
The contemporary Church Growth service has the pastor/cult
leader control the text of the service, projection screens, mood altering syncopation,
lights, mantras, psycho-drama, and doctrinally void psychological and motivational
speeches in the ideal controlled environment where the participants’ openness to
worship makes them exceptionally vulnerable to changing their faith. Rom 1:25 Who
changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the
Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
Pastors will find some resistance to changing the worship. Festinger deals with the
resistance to changing cognitive elements13 and behavior
under a number of subheads. He even gives statistical data on the effectiveness of using
force to create change versus reward to induce changes in belief and behavior.14 He shows how significant percentages of people will actually change
their political ideology from conservative to liberal if they are coerced into publicly
repeating liberal views.15 In others words, if the pastor/cult leader manipulates the
congregation to keep repeating mindless drivel in pop songs and ridiculous liturgies often
enough, the congregation will finally believe what they are saying and the pastor becomes
their god. "Public compliance," according to Festinger, will produce a
"subsequent change in private opinion."16
Under the subheading, "Mass Proselytizing,"
Festinger shows that the social pressure to change a person’s mind can be so great
when surrounded by people who don’t agree with the person that the person will have
difficulty resisting the group and will change his or her belief just in order to have
peace.17 Festinger gives data on this subject in Chapter Nine titled, "The
Role of Social Support: Data on Influence Process"18 and Chapter Ten
titled, "The Role of Social Support: Data on Mass Phenomena".19
A skilled practitioner of Festinger’s methodology can
be effective in changing people’s faith in God. People will eventually change their
beliefs if they are led to keep changing their behavior.20 For instance,
if we get people off their knees while confessing their sins and have them raise their
hands over their heads they will eventually change what they believe about confessing
their sins. Charismatic fanatic behavior will eventually produce charismatic fanatic
belief. Rom 16:17 Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and
offenses contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
Worship Style/Form
Follows Content/Belief:
Most of the renowned artists in Europe became
faculty members of The Bauhaus21 built in 1926 in Dessau Germany.22 They fled
Germany in 1933 when Hitler came to power. The founder, Walter Gropius, and his colleagues
joined the faculty at Harvard and other important American art faculties.23 The Bauhaus taught "Form follows Function." A
"bau" is a structure. Thus, the form or structure of the painting, sculpture,
music, architecture, literature, craft, etc., reflects its true purpose or message. Simply
stated, we don’t put car seats on horses or saddles in cars or church pews on the
Yet the practitioners of so-called contemporary worship tell those ignorant enough to
believe them that the style or form of worship is adiaphora and has nothing to do with the
content or doctrinal belief of the congregation. Renowned painter and spokesman for the
Bauhaus, Kandinsky, wrote that the more one could coordinate the art, music, and
literature into one unified style, the more effectively their combination would influence
the soul.24
Following Kandinsky’s principle, the practitioners of
Church Growth, according to Dr. David Luecke in "The Other Story of Lutheran’s
at Worship," are careful to coordinate contemporary dress, rhythms, atmosphere,
music, repetitious hypnotic words, text, and informality to create a total contemporary
environment.25 Luecke, many district presidents, and the district executives
parade around the LCMS claiming they never change the content of the service when they
promote changes in the "style" to get statistical success. They say style has
nothing to do with the substance. At this point, one needs oxygen and a stretcher if they
believe such fabrications.
Nearly a century of study in aesthetics and the acknowledged achievements of the
Bauhaus philosophy by the major museums and art faculties of western civilization are
swept aside by Church Growth cult leaders in LCMS district offices because someone waves
big numbers in front of small clergy minds. What is more astounding is that one third of
the LCMS clergy, including LCEF and Seminary President John Johnson who endorses PLI, all
say, "Amen". 2Timothy 4:4 And they shall turn away [their] ears from the
truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Luther Fought against the Changes in the Catholic
Those who resist the changes and innovations of
contemporary worship promoted by district Church Growth cult leaders are portrayed as
ignorant, legalistic, and backward. Ironically, those who promote the changes in worship
will claim Luther, the Reformer, as their mentor, when Luther’s entire career was
actually aimed at stopping the changes and innovations promoted by the Catholic Church.
In a remarkable letter of nearly 60 pages, Luther reminded the pastors what they were
fighting for at Augsburg in 1530. The entire letter is aimed at stopping the changes and
reforming the church back to its original form and content. Luther reminds the clergy, "Who
alone wants to recount the new kinds of saint veneration? Are not these innovations? Where
were bishops and shouters who should not permit such innovations?"26
"Here again, there was no one who could decry or
even point out innovation. But Luther, who exposes and chastises such innovations, is
[called] an innovator!"27
"Even at that, the doctors in the universities
helped along. They had nothing else to do than to devise new ‘opinions,’ one
after another. One could not be a doctor with special honors unless one has brought forth
something new."28
"But who stood up against innovations?"... For
such shameless violation is not to be tolerated that whatever you choose must be known as
an innovation and what you do not so choose must not be called an innovation."29
"It does not help you to pretend that one should do
nothing new or change anything, for you have heard that this article is a novelty and that
it is you who have unceasingly introduced false innovations and changes in Christendom.
What is change according to God’s Word is no innovation. All customs must yield to
it, no matter how good they may be, your own law says."30
Where was the vote in the Synodical Convention that gave
district offices the right to encourage pastors to remove hymn books and the use of hymn
books from their congregations? Here one must also note the total lack of examination and
cavalier attitude by those who introduce changes into LCMS worship services and say,
"There is nothing in the Bible that says we can’t make this change." There
is also nothing in the Bible about marijuana. Why can’t we smoke it in church? All
questions about how the "changes" will affect worship, faith, doctrine, or
Scripture are brushed aside in the hope of immediate statistical gratification.
"You allege that nothing should be changed or modernized without the consent of
the church. Who, then, is the church? Are you?...Or are you the church because you
introduce nothing but novelties and thereby change, blaspheme, persecute, and murder
God’s Word and, in addition, occupy the foundations and monasteries like church
robbers? Yes, you are the devil’s church."31
Something foreign has taken over the Michigan, Texas,
Pacific Southwest, Florida/Georgia, Minnesota South, Southern, and many other districts,
promoting their "contemporary" innovations. Majorities of LCMS clergy in these
and other districts keep voting for their wallets and personal security instead of
doctrinal purity at District Conventions and keep the Church Growth cult leaders in
office. They hide behind others who do their bidding. Change in the church is a sign of
the anti-Christ. Dan 7:25 And he shall speak [great] words against the most High,
and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and
they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
Simple logic says things that change are not the same:
"A" equals "A." Therefore, "A" cannot equal "B"
or anything else but "A". "A" cannot mutate, change, or evolve,
otherwise it is no longer "A." "A" cannot be anything but itself and
cannot deny itself. This is the law of identity. In the physical world God cannot make a
rock bigger than He can lift nor a stick with one end. God cannot deny Himself, that is,
God cannot not be God. Mal 3:6 For I [am] the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons
of Jacob are not consumed.
The District Church Growth cult leaders have adopted the religion of nihilism and self
destruction. If the definition of "A" is that "A" is free to change,
then "A" actually never existed and has no real definition. Hence, so-called
"traditional worship" never existed because it never had any real purpose or
reason to exist.
So-called "contemporary worship" does not exist because it has no definition.
The freedom to change worship and still call it worship means that "traditional"
worship only existed as a matter of free choice or accident, and there is nothing to
prevent it from changing. Hence, all Christian worship is a matter of random selection or
accident. Worship exists in the fantasy of the worshipper without any basis in reality.
The moment one objects and says, "This is what worship must do or be," the
district office hollers "Adiaphora!" and the one who resists change is labled a
legalist. One definition does hold in the Church Growth cult, "Worship exists for the
benefit of the cult leader." Pro 24:21 My son, fear thou the Lord and the king:
[and] meddle not with them that are given to change: 24:22 For their calamity shall rise
suddenly; and who knoweth the ruin of them both?
1 Dr.
John B. Carroll, "Language and Thought." Foundations of Modern Psychology Series
edited by Richard S. Lazarus, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 1964
2 ibid., back cover flap
"John B. Carroll (Ph.D., University of Minnesota) is the author of The Study of
Language and numerous articles on the psychology of language and language learning. He
has served as consultant to a number of governmental and educational organizations on the
problems of teaching and testing in native and foreign languages. At present, Dr. Carroll
is Roy E. Larsen Professor of Educational Psychology at the Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University."
3 ibid., p. v.
"The tremendous growth and vitality of psychology and its increasing fusion with the
social and biological sciences demand a new approach to teaching at the introductory
4 ibid., p. vii
5 ibid., p. 106
6 ibid., p. 111
7 ibid., p 111
Dr. Leon Festinger "A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance." Stanford Univ.
Press, Stanford, Calif., 1957, 1962, p. v.
"In the late fall of 1951 the writer, Leon Festinger, was asked by Bernard Berelson,
the Director of the Behavioral Sciences Division of the Ford Foundation, whether he would
be interested in undertaking a ‘prepositional inventory’ of the substantive area
of ‘communication and social influence."
9 ibid., p. 3
10 ibid., p.15
"If the theory of dissonance is to have relevance or empirical data, one must be able
to identify dissonances and consonances unequivocally."
11 ibid., p. 19
12 ibid., pp. 19-20
"Just as it is possible to change a behavioral cognitive element by changing the
behavior which this element mirrors, it is sometimes possible to change an environmental
cognitive element by changing the situation to which that element corresponds." Page
13 ibid., pp. 24-25 Resistance to Change of Behavior Cognitive Elements.
"The first and foremost source of resistance to change for any cognitive element is
the responsiveness of such elements to reality....Certainly much behavior has little or no
resistance to change."
14 ibid., page 85
"Public compliance without an accompanying change in private opinion or belief will
occur when the following conditions exist:
1. The compliance is brought about mainly through the exertion of a threat of punishment
for noncompliance, the individual against whom the threat is directed being sufficiently
restrained from leaving the situation....
2. The compliance is brought about mainly through the offer of a special reward for
15 ibid., pp. 94-97
Manifestations of Pressure to Reduce ‘Forced Compliance’ Dissonance. p 94
..."Thus, for example, if a person whose political ideology is rather conservative is
induced to make liberal statements publicly in order to obtain some political favor, the
dissonance could be completely eliminated if he actually does believe in the liberal
statements which he has publicly uttered." p.95
..."...a change of private opinion would follow public compliance more frequently
when the punishment or reward is relatively weak than when it is too strong. Thus, if one
wanted to obtain private change in addition to mere public compliance, the best way to do
this would be to offer just enough reward or punishment to elicit the over
compliance." p.95
...Festinger believed that the "Subsequent change of private opinion" takes
place when it is necessary "to make" this change "consonant with the overt
behavior." p. 97.
16 ibid., p.122
"1. Following public compliance there is frequently a subsequent change of private
opinion over and above what the variables in the situation, not including dissonance,
would account for."
17 ibid., p.201
Mass Proselytizing: "In the unhappy event that a person with such a dissonance is
surrounded by persons who will not support their attempts at reducing dissonance, the
dissonance may very likely be increased by these non-believers to the point where the
person discards the belief system."
18 ibid., p. 203
19 ibid., p. 233
20 ibid., p 276
"For example, any time a dissonance exists between one set of cognitions which
correspond to, say, information or opinions, and another set of cognitions which
correspond to behavior in which the person is engaging, it is clear that this dissonance
can be reduced by changing the behavior."
Helen Gardner’s , "Art Through the Ages" 4th ed. Harcourt, Brace, &
World, Inc., New York, 1959, p. 709,780.
Faculty members of the Bauhaus School built in Dessau, Germany designed by Walter Gropius
and Adolph Meyer included Paul Klee, Lyonel Feininger, Kandinsky, Mondrian, Van Doesburg,
Josef Albers, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, L.Moholy-Nagy
Marjorie Elliott Bevlin "Design Through Discovery", Holt Rinehart and Winston,
New York, 1977 p.31
"During much of the 20th Century the idea of integrity in form has been summed up in
the phrase ‘form follows function’....the concept has come to be associated with
the Bauhaus, a school of design founded in Beimer, Germany, in 1919."
James A. Schinneller, "Art: Search and Self Discovery", International, Scranton
Pennsylvania, 1961, p.39
Peter Selz, "The Aesthetic Theories of Kandinsky....", "Readings in Art
History Vol. II", Ed. Harold Spencer, Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1969,
p. 320
"The re-enforcement of one art form with another by means of synaesthesai will
greatly increase the final aesthetic effect upon the receptor. The greatest effect can be
obtained by the synthesis of all the arts in one ‘monumental art,’ which is the
ultimate end of Kandinsky’s aesthetics....Each art form causes a certain
‘complex of soul vibrations.’ The aim of the synthesis of art forms is the
refinement of the soul through the sum-total of these complexes."
Luecke, Dr. David, "The Other Story of Lutherans at Worship," Community Joy,
Fellowship Ministries, Tempe, Arizona, 1995, page 6.
"Luther’s Works" American Edition, Muhlenberg Press, Philadelphia, 1960,
Vol. 34, Page 24
27 ibid., p. 25
28 ibid., p. 27
29 ibid., p. 29
30 ibid., p. 39
31 ibid., p. 39